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Becoming Even Better 2018


4th November 2018:

The ROB story continues ... thanks to all the fundraising of our donors over the last year we were able to pay for the delivery of our ‘Becoming Even Better ‘ program in Tanzania .

Between 27-30 October 2018 a team of 20 porters , chefs , assistant guides and Chief guides participated in this program which builds their knowledge and skills to ‘ Become Even Better’ at keeping their clients happier and safer on the mountain . The program covers elements of leadership, team management , customer service, first aid, and advanced guiding skills.

After 2 days in the classroom learning the skills it was time to go and practice them in the field on a simulated mountain climbing exercise where they were split into teams of guides and clients. The program was deemed a fantastic success by all but it was the participants that were really the shining starts showing such a commitment to learning to make their own lives ‘even better’.

We were also delighted to begin to build relationships with the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project and Mweka National Wildlife College who we hope will be helping us establish a new scholarship for porters to train to become guides .

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