Saturday, 21 December 2019 from 16:30-19:00
Come and join us at Namaste Sport for our annual apéro and fundraising event. Free drink and snack on arrival and then the usual great service and beer & wine at Namaste's legendary apéro bar.
Last year we raised an amazing €500, this year our target is €650 which will enable us to transform 2 more porters lives in Tanzania by sending them on the mountain guide training.
During the party we will be holding our annual village tombola with the chance to win amazing prizes donated by the generous people and businesses of Argentière and Chamonix. This year prizes include 'Sat Bus' excursion for 2 , sports massage, days guiding on the Vallée blanche , ski lesson, wine, beer, chocolates, climbing and ski clothes & kit and many more.
Free entry and welcome drink & snack for all Tombola tickets €3 each or €10 for 4 New this year Lucky dip guaranteed win €1 a dip !